Choosing your lab notebook
Mitchells Laboratory Notebooks offer a wide range of laboratory notebooks with different layouts, colours and paginations available, in addition we can produce sequentially-numbered and semi-customised or customised books.
A well-kept laboratory notebook provides a reliable reference for writing up materials, methods and the results of a study. It is a legally valid record that preserves your rights or those of an employer or academic investigator to your discoveries. A comprehensive notebook allows you to reproduce any part of a methodology completely and accurately.
Use this quick guide to our laboratory notebook features to help you choose the book most suited to your needs.
Product code |
Key features |
8mm line spacing
left-hand margin
3 signatures boxes at foot of each page (author, reviewer and witness)
6mm line spacing
no margin
2 signature boxes at foot of each page (performed by, approved by)
D20 and D60 have soft covers with round corners
5mm grids on left and right-hand pages
3 signature boxes at foot of each page (author, reviewer and witness)
A04 |
left-hand page: 8mm line spacing
right-hand page: 5mm grid
3 signature boxes at foot of each page (author, reviewer and witness)
A50 |
guidelines page
2mm graph paper printed in green on all pages
3 signature boxes at foot of each experiment page (author, reviewer and witness)
C01 |
A4 log book
8mm line spacing with margin
B11 |
6mm line spacing, no margin
3 signature boxes at foot of each page (author, reviewer and witness)
S01 |
A4 schools-specific laboratory notebook
aimed at schools using the AQA Examination Board
lined pages in duplicate so that students’ work can be retained securely in case a book is mislaid